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9 Food Tech Startups to Make You Hungry for the Future

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by Startacus Admin

food tech startups

Food technology
covers a range of businesses, from simple delivery to game-changing business ideas. With the world becoming more complicated, more built up, and more unhealthy, it’s hard to exaggerate the importance of some of these food tech businesses. We have already written recently about a couple of food-related startups, Convibo and Mindful Chef, and it inspired us to find some more Food Tech startups worth keeping an eye on.

Freight Farms

Freight Farms can deliver to you a 40-foot shipping container boasting cutting-edge hydroponic technology. Thanks to the nature of hydroponics and the design of the container, just one container can grow up to 4500 lettuce, Brassica, and herb crops. The Leafy Green Machine, as it’s dubbed, can be monitored remotely so that, even though it gives consistent harvests year round, you can still take a holiday!


So many people say that they want to support local farmers, but when it comes to it, they still head to the nearest supermarket for their groceries. There are few farm shops around, and getting to those there are can seem more hassle than it’s worth. Farmdrop is the solution. As soon as they receive your order, the local producers get to work harvesting, baking, fishing, etc. This ensures no waste and the freshest produce possible. Farmdrop then delivers all across London in their electric vans. The people who produce the food receive 70-75% of the retail price, while Farmdrop only keeps 25-30% – the complete reverse of supermarkets.


iGrow is a profit-sharing business in which normal people are connected with farmers, owners of unused land, and crop buyers. These people invest in seeding crops which are tended to by the farmer, and then when the harvest comes, iGrow helps sell it. In this way, under-employed farmers, land owners, and amateur investors alike benefit.



foodtech startups

Urban Vine Co

As the world becomes ever more built up, urban food production becomes more important to the future of farming and food technology. Urban Vine Co aims to provide cutting-edge technologies to allow amateur urban dwellers to cultivate their own food.


Food waste is one of the world’s biggest producer of methane, and constitutes a large part of landfills. The aim of Re-Nuble is to turn this food waste into high-quality, liquid fertilisers for hydroponic set-ups. These fertiliser products are inexpensive, organic, and chemical free and are well placed to be in the centre of the aforementioned growth of urban food production.


Coffee fuels people – it certainly fuels Startacus – but bio-bean aims to have it fuel even more. From their factory, which is capable of processing 50,000 tonnes per year, they collect waste coffee grounds and turn it into liquid biofuels, biomass pellets, and biochemicals. As with Re-Nuble, this cuts down on waste and turns it into something incredibly useful.

foodtech startups


If you can’t cook, it doesn’t mean you can’t host a dinner party or impress your date. Or perhaps it’s a potential client you want to impress, or to simply treat your staff without blowing next year’s budget. ChefXChange provides private chefs who will come to your home or office and cook you a restaurant-quality meal on-site. Naturally, each chef comes rated and reviewed by previous customers, ensuring the standard remains high.


The mildly annoying trend of taking pictures of every meal you eat isn’t going away any time soon, so why not put this odd obsession to good use? With KaleKam, you simply take a picture of your food and the app will work out what that food is and deliver you dietary data. The app gives you stats for fibre, calories, protein, etc., and can work alongside any diet programme you may be on. And then it’ll let you upload the pictures to Instagram…obviously.

Local Food Lab

Local Food Lab is a US-based academy that runs courses and bootcamps covering broad and specific subjects around the food industry, including help with business plan creation and fund raising. These courses are affordable and give entrepreneurs a boost when starting up a food technology business.


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Published on: 26th July 2016

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