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Global Entrepreneurship Week looks to Pass it on

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by Startacus Admin

Mindreading is not one of our own’ specialities, but we reckon this years Global Entrepreneurship Week campaign “Pass it on” is 100% promoting the mindset Startacus is looking to deliver on..

With Startacus’ own self starter Collaboration platform about to launch in the next week or two, we were really delighted to see that the theme to GEW12 is all about passing on the practical support and help gewuk12needed by early self starters who are considering the do-it-yourself lifestyle.

This year’s UK campaign aims to create a collaborative, local and practical week which enables people to learn more about the wealth of support that is available to self starters and startups. How? Well, by passing on the skills, contacts, knowledge, mindset and information that is needed to make your ideas more of a reality.

This year the event runs from the 12th - 18th November and with events happening across the whole of the UK and Ireland, we are hopeful that not only do the events allow the talkers to talk-the-talk, but that this year’s campaign also will give serious food for thought on how the wannabe self starter can sharpen those entrepreneurial tools.

Our own collaboration section here at Startacus will provide a unique dedicated space where projects and ideas can be worked on; where connections between self starters can be made and where all the tips, resources and tools needed will be signposted. We also appreciate that the proof is in the pudding, so look forward to unleashing our collaborative tool to you all very soon.

We wish GEWUK and Youth Business International who are hosting the UK event all the best with this grand campaign - and if there are any ways we can collaboratively share all the information and resources that is provided - we certainly will be passing it on too...

You can find out more about Startacus’ collaboration space here and visit the GEWUK site here to find out more and also what events are happening local to you.

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Published on: 29th October 2012

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