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Innovative Coffee Cup Means New Way to Pay

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by Startacus Admin

If you’re a coffee lover, you’ll know exactly how important that first cup of the day is. A nice dose of early morning caffeine enables you to kick-start your day in the right way leaving you with all the energy you need - and it smells good, too!

Cafepay Frank Green

If you are one of these people, you may be interested in hearing about Smartcups - the new product that makes purchasing coffee easy and convenient! Intrigued? So were we!
In essence, Frank Green, the man behind the idea, wanted to make the process of paying for your favourite hot beverages stylish, convenient and easy.

SmartcupsReusable coffee cups are certainly nothing new, but unlike anything that has came before it, a Smartcup has smart payment capabilities. What does this mean? It means that customers who own one of these cups can pay for their coffee using the cup itself!

How does it work? First, customers download the CaféPay app that can be downloaded to any smartphone. You can then buy your coffee from any of your favourite café and pay for it with a simple swipe of their cup by using tap payment. It couldn’t be any easier! It doesn’t stop there, though. The app also allows customers to pre-pay for your coffee and gift cups to family, friends or even your co-workers. So if you’re in a rush in the morning or want to avoid long queues but still need your fix, you can just pay in advance!

The Cafépay app currently has a Kickstarter campaign underway and you’ll be happy to know that you can also use your phone to pledge!

The app lets you do a variety of different things which include storing your coffee preferences and receiving discounts and special offers with your Smartcup while all the while being environmentally friendly thanks to the reusable cup design!

Smart Pay CapabilitiesThe cups come in a variety of different colours so you can be as stylish as you want and they are also made with non-toxic materials that are stain and odour resistant, meaning that your coffee will still taste great! It is dishwasher safe, has a screwable top which is secure and easy to use so you won’t accidentally spill your coffee over anything important!

But wait – there’s more! If you pre-order a cup, which incidentally costs $15 AUD, one dollar of your purchase will be donated to Earthwatch; an institution that wants to help promote a sustainable environment by bringing people together from all walks of life so that they can use their experience and knowledge to help the planet!

We really like this idea as we love anything that makes life that little bit more convenient. Of course, this isn’t the first time that someone has tried to make a difference in how we consume our coffee. For example, Reduce. Reuse. Recycle’s Kickstarter campaign recently ended.
They were clever enough to design biodegradable coffee cups which also had seeds embedded in the cup itself meaning that after you’re done with your coffee, you could plant the cup and help promote a healthier, cleaner world! They were lucky enough to be able to raise over $21,000 via the crowdfunding platform so who knows what Smartcup will do.

And most importantly - where will the world of coffee take us next!

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Published on: 21st April 2015

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