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Nothing - removing barriers between people and technology

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by Startacus Admin

nothing phone

The lowdown on Nothing, the London-based startup that's creating innovative connected products "to make tech fun again."

nothing logoEvery couple of years, many of us are invited to renew our phone contract, which often means selecting a new phone. Every couple of years, we browse through all of the available devices and find them all to be much the same. Maybe our choice ultimately comes down to which has a better camera, or the biggest screen, or the most storage. 

Every iPhone is practically identical to the last, every Android phone from any manufacturer is basically the same, except that one has slightly more rounded corners than that one, and that one has the power button on the top instead of the side. Perhaps innovation in design has gone out the window for many big manufacturers. Perhaps it’s time to look to a newcomer…

carl pei.London-based tech startup Nothing might just be that newcomer. Co-founded by Swedish entrepreneur Carl Pei, who previously co-founded OnePlus, Nothing has launched its first smartphone, named simply “Phone (1)”. The Phone (1) features a transparent design, allowing you to see into the circuitry of the device, and fancy lights that can flash in specific patterns to denote different notifications, or stand in for ring lights for your photos and video. Its aesthetic design is what Pei calls a “a wake-up call for the industry”; however, it’s not all gimmick. 

The phone’s Glyph interface, which runs on Android 12, is quick and smooth and minimalistic, and the device boasts an impressive 50mp dual camera. It is designed to connect, in an iOS-esque way, to an ecosystem of other products, as well as being customisable and as easy to control third-party products as its own. All this while being light on power consumption.

Made from 100% recycled aluminium and 50% of plastic components bio-based and recycled, Nothing is showing their goal of leading sustainability in the industry. The phone, which launched on July 16, is not as expensive as we had expected (although they do seem to have gone the Apple route of not providing a charger in the box), and we may have found our next upgrade!



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Published on: 1st August 2022

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