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Pets4Pets - WWF gives kids free reign with their advertising

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by Startacus Admin

As the old adage goes (and as many a veteran news reporter will gladly tell you) never work with children or animals. But apparently the pets4pets projectWorld Wildlife Fund (WWF) either didn't get the memo, or have elected to take a rather more optimistic standpoint by working with both of them together!

With the tagline “Advertising thought by kids to get adults thinking” their new Pets4Pets project has given primary school children (thats ‘elementary’ my dear Americans) the opportunity to gain practical experience of the advertising industry through their new social campaigns aimed at the protection of endangered species.  

pets4pets projectFrom the initial ideas right through to design and production the children were actively involved in all aspects of the campaign’s creation and delivery. Working in partnership with a team of creatives, photographers, illustrators, film directors, animators and post-producers they formed a pivotal part of the projects ensuring that their own particular brand of innovation and creative genius was was delivered to their liking… and the results have been really quite impressive.  

They have come up with a campaign which spans print, pets4pets projecttelevision and radio and uses humour (and general quirky cleverness) to highlight the very serious effect which human activity is having on some of the worlds most endangered animals. The usual suspects make an appearance of course (polar bears, pandas and the like) but what’s really innovative is that they don’t rely on the industry standard “sad panda eating bamboo” strategies to evoke a reaction.   For example, one of the TV ads shows a family being unceremoniously ejected from their house by a polar bear which then proceeds to throw all of their belongings on to the lawn with the tagline “What if a polar bear did this to you?”

We really enjoyed taking a look at all of their collaborative creations (which incidentally can be seen here) and we must say that they genuinely did make us think in a different way about the whole endangered species thing!

If you liked hearing about WWFs new quirky collaborative project, then why not take a look at some of these:

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The Big Draw - A festival that is really drawing in the crowds


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Published on: 13th January 2014

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