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sense_ - building management made easy

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by Startacus Admin


Building owners and managers, this one’s for you - sense_ is an AI-driven building management platform that helps you shape your space for your people, your business and the planet.

1602577801828For those who manage a building, or multiple buildings, it can be a challenge to ensure that everything within your control is being utilised to the fullest and to the best interests of the occupants. 

This means not wasting space, but also not packing in too many people, desks, and things; it means ensuring that energy is used wisely and not wasted; it means ensuring that the air quality is good for the occupants, but that air conditioning or HVAC systems aren’t exaggerating your carbon footprint. It’s all a hassle and difficult to keep track of, but too important not to. So what you need is a platform that will collect data from your building and give you actionable insights.

download (1).London-based research and design studio spacelab_ has created a building management platform to help with exactly this problem. The sense_ platform collects data from various sources in the building and uses AI to deliver actionable insights and recommendations so that your space can be managed in a way that is better for everyone. 

sense_ tells you if you have too many occupants in any given room - a feature that has a COVID-19 setting to ensure that restrictions are being adhered to - and can even tell you how you can rearrange furniture to be more beneficial or whether certain rooms are underutilised and at what times. It can tell you if your lights or air conditioning are consuming too much energy and by how much, as well as what to do about it, allowing you to reduce consumption by up to 40%.

energy-768x735.Coming soon, the platform will be able to measure your carbon footprint, allow you to set your sustainability goals, and provide insights and recommendations as to how to progress towards those. This includes the ability to measure the air quality and CO2 levels inside the building to ensure that occupants are breathing fresh, quality air.

With its ability to connect to our building’s smart management systems, saving money and making occupants more comfortable and safer, it seems like this platform will lift a weight off building managers’ shoulders.


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Published on: 28th April 2021

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