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Social Media Has Changed - But What Does This Mean For Small Businesses?

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by Startacus Admin


We take a look at some basic tips on how social media has evolved and how small business owners can make it work to their advantage

twitter-facebook-together-exchange-of-information-147413Once upon a time, we used to log into Facebook to see what our friends were up to and communicate in a way that was on a personal level, to keep in touch with each other, share information and celebrate in a way that meant a lot to us. Social media is a huge advancement in the way we use technology, it brings people closer together and there are billions of people using many different social media platforms all around the world. For business owners, this has opened up a whole new market of people to share their products and services with as well. But over time the way in which we use social media has evolved, it isn’t like it used to be and here are some ways in which business owners can use this to their advantage. 


Social Media was once seen as something the younger generation used to arrange nights out or update their relationship status, and it was quickly included as a regular subject in popular entertainment, but before long social media such as Facebook adapted to appeal to everyone and became so user friendly that even those of us who weren’t so confident on the internet could easily communicate with loved ones. This now extends to the groups people share their interests in, platforms to share creativity and of course, spaces to find out what celebrities are doing. 


pexels-photo-5052877The wider user base has been coupled with new targeting options by many platforms in recent years as well. This means that advertisers have a much bigger audience to access and advertise to. Most paid ads can be targeted to the exact audience required, and there are many different ways in which to capture someone’s attention. Unfortunately, this is no secret, this information is available to all businesses. So the quality of the content a business includes in their advertising is incredibly important. Not only do you need to capture someone’s attention but you need to get the message across quickly. This is where companies such as Double Up Social come into play. Professionally made content is expected these days, and we see it time and time again on our timelines. So investing in high quality and engaging content can be an incredibly important from the get-go. 


The speed at which information moves these days is incredible, it can be difficult to keep up with current events, but most have learnt how to follow and unfollow the information we want and don’t want to see. This means that businesses have to work hard to stay relevant and in people’s minds. Not only that but people are trying to seek out more of a community via social media as well. Many admit to using social media to find like-minded people to talk to. In the current economic climate, it can be a tricky landscape to navigate, and it’s possible to inadvertently divide a following and bring negativity to your door. However, being aware of the current mood, recent events and how people are feeling can be very positive for businesses. It’s always good to remember though that most social media users will likely follow thousands of people and companies, so it’s not always an easy task!

Social media is no doubt a crucial tool in the marketer’s tool kit, but that doesn’t mean it’s easy to navigate, that is why there are so many professionals available to choose from and hiring someone in who can navigate the ever-changing landscape for you is ideal. As social media changes, businesses have to adapt and keep up!


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Published on: 15th October 2020

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