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Sustainably - charitable giving you can bank on

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by Startacus Admin

Sustainably - Charitable giving made easy thanks to this innovative startup that enables you to have an impact on charities every time you shop... 

sustainably logoWe like to write about charitable startups; those using their innovative, fresh take on things to do good. Traditional charities have never seen massive success, but lately, public faith in these charities has become less and less. Money is tight for everyone, so if we are going to part with any of it, we have to be certain about where it is going and what it is going to be used for. And let’s be honest: we’re a pretty lazy society, so it has to be easy too.

Scottish startup Sustainably understands this need for charitable giving to be easy, transparent, and to place you in control. All you have to do is connect the app to your bank account or card, and every time you shop, your purchases are rounded up to the nearest £1, and that difference is stored in the app. Whenever this balance reaches £5, Sustainably donates it to your chosen charity.

sustainably screenYour selection of charity can be changed at any time - current choices include Children in Crisis, Down’s Syndrome Scotland, Edinburgh Dog and Cat Home, and many more - and the round-up can be paused instantly at time from the app. But this isn’t the only way to donate through the app.

You can set up a monthly automatic donation and soon you will be able to give one-off donations. Also coming soon is the ability for both your employer and the retailer you buy from to match your donation in real time.

Just the other week, Edinburgh-based Sustainably was announced as a winner of the WeWork Creator Awards, as voted for by a judging panel that included Ashton Kutcher, bagging £130k for their continued growth. With this innovative approach to charitable giving, we look forward to seeing what Sustainably can do with this well-deserved cash injection.

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Published on: 4th November 2018

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