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Concept Toolkit

Inspiration to start a business can strike at any time. You might be having one of those days at work, you might be sitting with a friend in the pub and business toolkitsuddenly your business idea is being written out on the back of a beermat. Or you may just simply see something and just know that you could do it better or differently. Or maybe, just maybe, you feel it’s time that you followed your real passion...

Sometimes though you might just know you have it in you to start a business, but you can’t for the life of you come up with any business concepts or ideas.
If that sounds like you, and you feel you’re in need of a little inspiration, and you’ve exhausted all the latest Lolcats and Gregory Brothers’ videos, then we’re here to help.

We’ll be linking to lots of people and places that can help nudge you in the right direction towards having your very own eureka moment.

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From Idea to Business - The Virtual Workspace for ideas
So, you've got an idea that you reckon could really go somewhere? Why not use the Startacus Workspace to work it all out? Plan, plot and scheme to your heart's content. Here's how you can do just that...
Franchising - the basics to understand
What if you fancy the world of self employment, but don’t actually have a business idea or model that is particularly unique? Considered Franchising?
Barriers to Starting a Business
There's many barriers to starting a business, startup, or creative pursuit and here's how we try to help! Watch this one minute explainer!
How to test a Business Idea
You might have a brilliant idea for a business, but without testing it you will never know whether or not it has a chance of success. Here's a few tips that should help

Startacus - The go-to space for Startups, Entrepreneurs & Self Starters


Startup Support UK – Organisations That Can Help You Get Started: Part 3
The final instalment of our Startup Support UK Feature, where we tell you about organisations that can help get you started with your business venture.
Where do good business ideas come from?
Joseph Benn, author of 'Brilliant Business Ideas' shares his thoughts on where good business ideas come from (and gives a few tips on how you can find them)
Startup Support All Ireland - Organisations to help you get started
Based in Ireland (North or South) & need some help getting your business or startup off the ground - here's a list of organisations & events that might be able to help...
Online Business Courses
We are delighted to announce that we now offer a catalogue of online business courses aimed at developing the essential skills needed to build and grow a business.
Basics to Research before Starting a Business.
Starting a Business? Researching is essential. Here are a few of the Basics to set you on your way...
What's in a Name?
When you are building a website for your business, you will want to make sure that you choose a domain name that will help you get your business off the ground. Here's some handy pointers...
Choosing a Business to Start
Choosing what business to start is a big decision. Here we offer some sensible advice on how to choose what business to start.

Ten Tips for Building a Killer Startup - Michael Acton smithFilled at The DO Lectures

Based in London and looking to start a business?
Based in London and looking to start a business? Perhaps these startup workshops in IKEA stores in London can help you escape the 9-5.
Top 5 Websites for Creative Inspiration
Need a little dose of inspiration today? These websites will provide just that...
Writing a Business Plan, Step by Step Guide
Our step by step guide to writing a business plan, explains each section of a business plan and how you can write yours.

Starting a Business - some basic thoughts

How did you come up with your company name?

How to start a part-time business - Week 1 Concept
Running a part time business can be a great way to get some of the benefits of self-employment…that is of course if you get the concept right! Here's week 1 of our soon to be comprehensive guide to starting a part-time business...
Developing business ideas - 5 big questions
Joseph Benn is passionate about enterprise having helped hundreds of young people develop their ideas and set up businesses. In this article for Startacus he highlights the 5 questions he asks everyone developing their business ideas...
What is MadTech?
What is MadTech? Here is our 3 minute explainer....
Startacus aims to bring ideas to life
When we first revealed Startacus, we mentioned we were still busy beavering away at another part of the site. The great news is that we can now let you guys see the fruits of our labours - we have launched our collaboration section!

Steve Jobs - Speech at Stanford In need of a little inspiration or motivation to start doing your own thing? Watch, listen and learn...

How to get your business ready for action
We take a look at some of the most important things that you need to do to get your business ready for action.
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